7 Decluttering Tips To Get You Started
Decluttering isn’t just a one-time event, it’s a process. People tend to think that decluttering can be done in one day—but the truth is, this approach will likely only leave you feeling overwhelmed. That’s because decluttering is more about the mindset than anything else – and that takes time to develop. The joy of decluttering is that it allows you to make room for the things you actually want to keep. But if you’re new to the whole process, it can be hard to know where to start. Here are some tips for getting started on your own clutter-free journey:
Start by clearing off the flat surfaces.
When you begin decluttering, the best place to start is with flat surfaces. This includes your kitchen counters, tables and desks. If you clear these surfaces first, it will make it easier to get rid of items that are in drawers or stuffed in closets later on.
It’s also important to keep in mind that you shouldn’t start by tackling items that are stored elsewhere (like in your attic or garage). Instead, start with what’s right there—the area where you spend most of your time and where clutter accumulates fastest!
Next, tackle the drawers.
If you have a drawer that is full of things you don’t need, empty it and sort through the contents. If there are things in there that you know should be tossed because they are too old or broken or ugly, toss them. If the item still has life in it and can be repaired or repurposed, put it back in the drawer. Also, decide which items can go straight into another bigger box to be donated or trashed later on.
Once all your drawers are emptied and sorted through, re-organize them, so they make sense to you; this is where having a good organizational system is key!
Finally, sort through your closet.
After you’ve sorted through your belongings, it’s time to take all of the piles of stuff and sort them into two piles: keep and toss.
Here are some tips to help you make a more thoughtful decision about whether or not you should keep an item:
- Make sure that it fits. If it doesn’t fit, ask yourself why you’re holding on to clothing that doesn’t fit anymore. Are there any alterations that can be made? Can this piece be used as inspiration for a new project or design?
- Does this item have sentimental value? If so, think about how often you will wear it and if it is worth storing away in storage or hanging up in your closet so that no one else sees it. Maybe taking pictures of these items would be better since they are easy enough to retrieve from storage whenever needed!
- Is this piece in good condition? If something has stains or holes in them then chances are high those stains will never come out no matter how many times washed so let go now instead of later when trying too late ;)
Make quick decisions about what to keep and what to toss.
The first step in the process is to decide what to keep and what to toss quickly.
The second step is easier than it sounds: if you haven’t used something in the past year or so, get rid of it! If you’re holding on to items that don’t need cleaning or repair—but are still taking up space—feel free to let them go too. Some things won’t be worth your time, like clothes from high school or college that no longer fit; these you can put on eBay or donate at a local charity thrift store without much guilt.
When considering whether an item should stay with your decluttering efforts, ask yourself these questions: Do I use this? Does this fulfill an important function for me? Do I love this enough that I would want it back if we moved into another house (or if someone else moved into ours)? Will my family member miss this when they move out? How much space does this take up in our home? And finally… am I willing to spend my life looking after this thing instead of doing something else more enjoyable (like reading a book)?
Don’t clutter up your newly decluttered space.
If you’re the type of person who tends to buy things when they’re on sale, you may feel like you need to replace everything that was taken away by the purge. But don’t go out buying new items just because your old ones are gone. Instead, consider whether or not there are better ways to make use of what’s already in your home—or if there are different things that would be better suited for your needs. For example:
- If a chair is uncomfortable but otherwise fine and useful, try putting cushions on its seat and back instead of replacing it with an entirely different chair altogether.
- If your dishes have chips and cracks in them but still work fine as everyday plates (or even if they only work well enough as everyday plates), consider using them until they break entirely (and then get rid of them). It’s possible that this could save you from having to go out and buy new dishes every year or two when one breaks anyway!
It’s a work in progress.
While decluttering isn’t a one-time effort, it’s important to remember that it’s not something that will never end. In fact, you’ll probably need to de-clutter again in the future, whether it be when you move into a new home or get a new job. After all, if your life is going through changes and so too should your possessions!
Regardless of whether or not you have another decluttering session planned for now or later down the road, we hope that these tips will help make this stage of the process more manageable for both yourself and those around you.
When you declutter, you may need to make room for new things.
So you’ve decided to declutter. That’s great! It’s a process that takes time and some effort, but the results will be worth it. Sometimes when people begin the process of decluttering their home, they get overwhelmed by all of the decisions they’ll have to make about what to keep and what to toss. If this happens to you, here are some ways you can stay on track:
- When decluttering, don’t let perfection become your enemy. Just start somewhere—it doesn’t matter where as long as it’s somewhere—and go from there!
- As you declutter your home, take note of which items are most valuable or beneficial to you right now (for example: “This shirt is my favourite!”). In some cases, these items may still live in your closet even after being sorted into categories based on their usefulness (for example: “work,” “play,” etc.). This can help remind you why certain clothes were chosen over others during this process; ultimately making them easier for anyone else who comes across them later down the line if needed!
The key to decluttering is to get started. Once you start, it will be easier to keep going. The best way to start is by clearing off the flat surfaces in your home and getting rid of things you don’t need or want. Next, tackle the drawers and cabinets where clutter tends to accumulate. Finally, sort through your closet, so everything looks neat and organized without being overwhelming. As an added bonus: Decluttering can even help improve your mental health!
Martijn van Lith offers professional, ethical, and confidential extreme decluttering/cleaning services. Why choose us? Because we understand our clients very well, we go beyond just doing the job- we build relationships with our clients, and we treat your possessions with caution and care. We’ve been featured in the news, as well. Our loyal customers can attest to the quality of our services. Check out their testimonials here.